#17 Pizza Racket

"A boy who eats a pepperoni pizza causes a door to open and then his younger brother hits a ball with his racket..."

Rookery School present the brilliantly imaginitive 'Pizza Racket'!

Next step - how are we going to build it? 

Ethan’s brilliant idea is both a design and a story.  As he says on the drawing, “A boy who eats a pepperoni pizza causes a door to open and then his younger brother hits a ball with his racket and then he hits a button causing a marble to fall on the piano.”  This is an amazing piece of imagination and we wanted to follow it as closely as possible which required three mechanisms to work together.  As the player pulls the first piece of pizza on a string, the door slides open and the brother appears with his racket held high, ready to hit the ball. Then, the player pulls the second piece of pizza on a different string, which causes the ball to arc forwards. The ball is mounted on an arm which is connected to the brother’s arm, so he will look as if he’s hitting the ball. Finally, instead of adding a button and a marble, the tennis ball lands on a target, which itself is mounted on a lever which is connected to the piano key by a third piece of string. What could possibly go wrong?

We definitely needed to consult our designers for a second brainstorming session...